Report Download |
Please use your child's student number (can be found on the lower right of the report card) as username, and identity card number (first 5 characters including the English letter, if any) as password. Generally speaking, the student’s Hong Kong Identity Card Number has been used for school registration. If your child does not have a Hong Kong Identity Card, you should use his/her passport number, HKSAR Re-entry Permit number or One-way Permit number to login. 請以學生編號為登入名稱及學生身份證明文件首五個位為密碼(包括英文字母)登入查看。 一般來說,學生在校註冊的身份證明文件為香港身份證。假如學生沒有香港身份證,請用學生的護照號碼、回港証號碼或港澳通行証號碼登入。 |